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Why participate in a feis?

A feis is a great way for a dancer to take what they have learned in class and perform it on stage. The placement gives them feedback on how to improve in their dancing. Not only does a feis help their progress, but a great way for a child to improve their confidence, build friendships, and learn sportsmanship.

We encourage you to continue your feis journey...

We find the more a dancer feises, the more engaged they become in and out of the studio. The more a dancer feises the more opportunities they have to advance through the levels of a feis to help them be the best dancer they can be!

Upcoming Feisanna

A complete list of all feisanna for the year can be found on the New England Region’s website:


Always remember,
check with your dancer’s teacher first to confirm the level at which your child(ren) should be dancing.

Only your instructor knows when your child is ready to move levels – you do need their permission BEFORE changing levels.


​A little more about the Feis levels...

The first thing to understand about entering your dancer is their level and age category. Feis Levels for Dancers (We will advise you when your dancer is ready for the next level.) All levels are up to the teacher's discretion. Each child progresses at their own pace and the teachers are here to guide each dancer to their fullest potential. 

  • PreBeginner -  The prebeginner level is for dancers that have one step prepared and ready to feis. This is typically for dancers in the U4, U5, U6, and U7 category. Dancers will perform in this category until they have two steps ready for the Beginner level.

  • Beginner – The beginner level is for dancers that have two steps prepared and ready to feis. Dancers will perform in this category for at least five feisanna, or until teacher advises. A dancer will move into the Advanced Beginner category once they have finished the Beginner level. 

  • Advanced Beginner – A dancer remains an advanced beginner for at least one year and must place 1st, 2nd or 3rd in all their dances before advancing to Novice. If the teachers feel your dancer is ready for the Novice level before the year, they will let you know. Advance beginner dancers are required teacher's approval before advancing.

  • Novice – Any dancer who has won 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Advanced Beginner competition and has teacher permission to move up.

    At the Novice level, dancers are able to perform in a solo costume. Solo costumes are NOT required, dancers can continue to perform in their school costume. This process begins in Novice and will be advised by the teachers. Dance families of Novice dancers interested in purchasing a solo costume should reach out to the teachers for guidance.

    Once a dancer receives 1st place in ALL their feis dances, they are able to advance to the Prizewinner level.


  • Prizewinner – A dancer who has previously won 1st in Novice in a particular dance. Dancers may compete in the school costume or purchase a solo costume. Dancers in this level must receive at least one 1st place in the soft shoe and one 1st place in the hard shoe.

The last two levels are for the more serious competitors and require very dedicated dancers.

  • Preliminary Championship – Open to dancers who have placed 1st in each of their prizewinner dances. In this level dancers choose either reel or slip jig to dance, and either heavy jig and hornpipe.

  • Open Championship – The most advanced level. Must have won TWO first places at the Preliminary level. In this level dancers choose either reel or slip jig to dance, either heavy jig and hornpipe, and a set dance.


Feis Age:

Your dancer’s age to register is what he or she is on January 1 of each year.  If your dancer is 8 years old on January 1, he or she will dance in the Under 9 category for the entire year (even after his or her birthday passes).

Feis Follow Up Form

After the feis
Once your dancer has performed, please log into FeisWeb, and share their feedback with us! Thank you!

Please Note

Dancers who have qualified for the Novice level are allowed to purchase solo dresses that NEED to be approved by the teachersbefore they are purchased.



Dancers will need to wear:

  • Dance shoes 

  • Poodle Socks

PreBeginner/ Beginner/Advanced Beginner:

  • White Peter Pan Collared Button Down and Blue skirt or Blue School Costume created by Aspire

  • Hair is to be neat and tidy. Either, curled half up half down with bow or bun wig (Camelia Rose Alliyah preferred) with bow


·Novice/Prizewinner costumes:

  • Blue School Costume created by Aspire or Solo Dress

  • Hair is to be neat and tidy. Dancers must wear a wig (Camelia Rose Alliyah or Brigid preferred) with hair piece


Male Dancers – White dress shirt, Royal blue tie, and black dress pants or Solo Outfit (Dress shirt and dress pants. Vest or suit coat - optional)

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