Parade Day 2025

When: Sunday, March 16th
Time: 11am (We recommend getting there early - Park Ave will begin to close at 10am and fully close by 10:30.)
Where: Park Ave - Exact line up location TBD
The parade will go on rain or shine — in the event it snows or rains your dancer will wear a CLEAR PONCHO over their sweatshirt and dress in layers.
Please be sure your dancer have everything for the parade on Sunday!
Girls' Checklist:
Clear Poncho (in case of rain)
WHITE Collared Shirt
Murphy SKIRT
BLACK Leggings
Poodle Socks
WHITE Earband
WHITE gloves
HAIR: Curled, Half up, Half Down with bow
WHITE Sneakers
Boys' Checklist:
Clear Poncho (in case of rain)
WHITE Collared Shirt
BLACK Athletic Pants
BLACK Hat or Earband
BLACK gloves
BLACK Sneakers
Photos of what dancers will look like on sunday

If you need links to the items above please use this link: Parade Apparel Google Doc
Please have your dancer dress in layers under the collared shirts and sweatshirt.
What will the day look like?
1) Arrive with your dancer at 11am.
2) Find your dancer's line. We will have signs. Check in with the adult holding the sign and let them know your dancer is here.
3) Once your dancer is in line, you can hang out around your dancer, but we ask that you leave them in their line so they are accounted for.
4) If you are planning to watch the parade and meet us at the end of the parade, you may go find a spot once your dancer is in their line.
5) If you are planning to walk behind the group, we ask that you wait until all the dancers are in their lines and moving before you begin marching. Parents of dancers 7 and under: We ask that at least one parent walk behind the dancers in case your dancer needs you during the parade.
6) We will march together through the parade, dancing, smiling and waving!
7) Take a group photo of everyone at the end — on Park Ave outside of Price Chopper.
8) Once the group photo is taken, you and your dancer are free to go.

I have a young dancer what will parade day look like?
We ask that all dancers ages 5 and under be pushed in a stroller or wagon. You are welcome to decorate your stroller for St. Patrick's Day.
You will push your child, right behind all the lines of dancers.

2024 Parade Logistics from the committee
Key Information:
Parade route is 2 miles. It runs from the intersection of Park & Mill, to the intersection of Park and Highland.
Dress in layers - bring hats and gloves - wear sneakers.
Park Ave will begin closing at 10:00 AM for the Celtic 5K. We recommend your marchers arrive at Webster Sq by 10:30. Traffic will be difficult.
Information tent located at Harbor Freight/Laundromax parking lot
PARKING - The Road Race prior to the parade has 1500+ entrants. Most of them will park in the Elm Park area at the end of the route. This area will be crowded - allow extra time if you are planning to park in that area.
TIME CHANGE happens parade weekend - SPRING AHEAD one hour.
Shuttle Info
Shuttle for Parade Participants will run 10 AM - 3 PM from Doherty High School (We highly recommend using the shuttle.)
The shuttle will run from the Doherty HS parking lot, every 20 minutes or so between 10 AM and 3 PM
Route is Mill St - June St - Highland St
Mill St stop is on Buffum St behind O'Connor Funeral Home; Highland St stop is Doherty HS
Additional drop off/pick up locations also at Mill Swan School on Mill St and Our Lady of Mercy Church on June St. Our Lady of Mercy has services 9:30 - 11:30 - please do not park in this lot before NOON
***We recommend either having someone not attending the parade pick up/drop off or using the shuttle to park at the end of the parade before the roads close. All important parade info can be found on the Worcester St. Patrick's Day Parade Website and their Facebook Page.
What IS My Dancer's Line
You will recieve an email from us this week with your dancer's line number. Please look for a sign with your dancer's line number once you arrive to our meeting place.
What happens at the end of the parade?

The parade will finish when we get to Price Chopper. At this time we will take a group photo. We ask that if you have a dancer in a stroller or wagon, they hop out of their stroller for a quick photo.
Once we have taken our group photo, you are free to take your dancer.
What should i (Parent or Guardian) Wear?
Anything Green or Murphy Academy apparel. If you would like a Murphy Academy hoodie, please email us before your dancer’s class this week. We have a limited stock. Hoodies will be given out to your dancer in class.
Please Note
The Murphy Academy is not responsible for your dancer. Families with dancers ages 7 and younger MUST have a family member walking behind the dancers. If you feel the most comfortable walking behind the dancers in the parade we encourage you to!
Remind Texting App - Must Join
We will be sending texts through the day. Please be sure to join if you have not by clicking this link: Join Remind Text App
Photos & Videos
This will be a day to remember. Please take lots of photos and videos of our dancers!
Wagon/Stroller contest
For all dancers being pulled or pushed in strollers, we are having a contest! Decorate your wagon for a chance to win a Murphy Tote Bag. Booster Club Representatives will be judging all wagons/strollers before the parade starts moving.